Sniff, Sniff...Love is in the air!

This is the time of year I gets calls and texts from friends and family asking where on earth I am (usually not very nicely either!). Winter/Christmas season is a difficult one for me, it's like a juggling act, and I cannot juggle... or skate... thankfully I never wanted to join the circus or become a figure skater (Sorry Gran!) or be a juggling figure skater! There is so much to do, decorate ones house, shop for numerous family members, make our yearly cheesy Christmas card and of course take photos for clients who want gifts for their own families. Even though it is the busiest; Christmas is my favourite "holiday". It's the only time of year I am allowed to over indulge in food and drink and give loved ones a token of my appreciation for them. My son, who is now 4 is in finally in full understanding of Santa and just exactly what this bearded fat man truly means. I think it took him so long to truly appreciate this because his Papa happens to look a little like Santa (Ok a Santa who could also be a biker... so a really hip Santa who has upgraded his mode of transportation) so now there are expectations to be filled... a remote control car for one. I can no longer shop with my son for his presents as he remembers what I bought... this backfired on his birthday when he happened to stumble upon a birthday present early and ask if he had to wait until his actual birthday for it. Shame on me, I didn't give him enough credit. But because of his quick observations it has put me in a bit of a pickle.... a very hairy pickle. So although I ventured out into the Black Friday crowd and made some progress (and for being awake for 36 hours straight I would be livid if I hadn't!) I am still not done. I may need to sharpen my elbows and prepare myself to join the last minute shoppers out there, I apologize to you all as in the past I have berated you and looked my nose down on you. I am now humbled and need you to be gentle on me this year!
As I have mentioned above our family usually does a very silly and cheesy Christmas card... and it is the 20 of December and I have only just printed them...and I fear they are lacking this year. See, our family have now come to look forward to our yearly Greeting and I am now left plotting and planning for ages trying to be better than the year before. With two children in toe it just isn't possible...each weekend we attempted it Quinn was sick, or had pink eye, or an attitude ( I was under the impression JK was a good thing and now I am living with a 4 foot teenager). But despite my whining I love this time of year.... really. Below check out our past Christmas Greetings, and tomorrow I will post our 2013 Card. Enjoy!
This was when our son Quinn was born and barely 2 months old... please excuse our humour
Now this one may need some explanation... We decided to go for an 80s cheese look... some people did not seem to understand this. I was told I looked pretty and normal while Jeff looked a little strange.... Ummmm.... I truly hope my day to day look is not a flashback to 1980.... but thanks, I guess. For those of you curious, we actually did shave Jeff's head and he was sporting his "movember" nasty 'stache.... enough said.
This years to be posted tomorrow....stay tuned....
Left of Centre Photography Services!